Face Your Flair

Ep 2: Why Going After Your Dreams Scares You

Taylor Boyle Season 1 Episode 2

Join me for a conversation all about what is really scaring you from going after your dreams, taking action on your goals, and leaving the refuge of your comfort zone.

As we unravel the intricacies of discomfort, the fear of messing up, and the dread of making a fool of yourself. We'll dive into what may be holding you back from unlocking more success in your life and why leaving your comfort zone behind is essential for personal growth. 

Tune in to understand why our podcast is aptly named "Face Your Flair" — because pursuing your dreams can be intimidating, no matter how much you desire them.

It's time to face your flair and embark on a journey towards becoming the best version of yourself and it could all start with this empowering episode!

Mentioned in This Episode:

'Start With Why' TedTalk by Simon Sinek:

'Start With Why' TedTalk (Quick Version) by Simon Sinek:

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